Storm Moon - Original Painting

Sale Price:$375.00 Original Price:$450.00
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*Painting is 9x12” acrylic on canvas board and does NOT come framed.

In February of 2022, On the night of the Storm Moon

I went into labor as a first time mother.

I was not afraid, as I trusted my body

Surrendered to the pain

And most of all- trusted in God to lead me through the process.

However my labor did not go as expected 

And after 2 long nights I was rushed to the hospital
where at last my son was born- Totaling 37 hours of labor

But even after his birth were met with more complications

And my healing was much slower than I expected.

2022 also came with an unexpected loss of a friend 

Who I fully believed God would heal.

There were several moments this last year that I cried out to God

And felt completely abandoned.

James 1:3 says
You know that when your faith is tested,

It stirs up power within you to endure all things.


I read this verse almost a year after my labor

and It spoke to me so much. 

If all things were possible with God, why not these two great things I fully believed in?

But I can see God in it now where I couldn’t before.

And I also see these things not only tested my faith… 

it broke it. But-

It rebuilt it even stronger.

So for everyone out there who has been going through their own storm 

Testing your faith… 

Maybe you were like me where you could no longer find it for awhile

May this season stir up the power in you to endure all things

And come back stronger than ever before. 

This painting The Storm Moon, comes with a poem that goes with another painting of mine, From Ashes. Because From Ashes was my first painting created after the night of the Storm Moon… I was still in my restructuring phase, and that painting will always hold a special place in my heart as I will always remember how broken I felt while creating it.

This painting, titled The Storm Moon (even though it’s not actually about the moon at all), I feel should share the poem From Ashes because they are part of the same story. 

From Ashes

All I am

All I’ve known myself to be

Broken and shattered

Stripped of my identity 

Even in you, Oh God

My faith is being tested

For the chaos of life has become so loud

I can no longer find the place inside

Where your still small voice is found

Clinging to what hope I have

Every day feels like something more to overcome

My strength is fading, my light growing dim

For my whole world has been undone

Spirit, Mind and Body

Once so connected and whole

Feels so foreign, so broken…

Shattered to the depth of my soul

Who am I oh God

When I cannot hear you any longer

Where my cries and prayers go unanswered

And all my world seems somber

Feeling defeated by my own transformation
Like rubble left upon the ground
And the only seed of faith I have left 

Reminds me that I am already found

For you are with me in this place

Your wind blows upon the ashes where I lay

Resurrecting the flame to life once again

Held in this broken jar of clay

For I was never forsaken in the darkness
My unanswered prayers didn’t go unheard

And as your love revives me to life once again

Like the phoenix, I will rise a new and stronger bird.

-Camille Soltani Icely

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